Thursday, March 11, 2010

Feelin Left out: Somethin u may not know:

The reason I feel that way is cuz most of my friends have boyfriends, or are getting ready to get married soon and in a way I feel like I’m being pushed to the side and being forgotten even though they tell me that that’s not what is going to happen it’s going to happen sooner or later and that is what I fear the most LOSING my friends and the ones I care about the most I love you guys more that you will ever know. You may not know this but you got me though high school, for awhile in high school I just about gave up on ALMOST EVERYTHING and I mean ALMOST EVERYTHING (which includes church) I am very thankful that I have friends like you and I know that I have a place waiting for me in Heaven. The reason I didn’t tell anyone is that I didn’t want to disappoint anyone and have everyone mad at me so I just went on with my life just as before and with no one knowing what was troubling me I was a very independent person and I hated people knowing my emotions so that’s why I kept it to myself. But now I am happy for the most part. Once again I love you all.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Im just trying out this new text messaging system from blogger from my phone to see if it really works.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


“I've got everything I need except a man. And I'm not one of those women who thinks a man is the answer to everything, but I'm tired of being alone.”

“It's so lonely when you don't even know yourself.”

“Loneliness is about the scariest thing there is.”

“When we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most"

“What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?”

“With some people solitariness is an escape not from others but from themselves. For they see in the eyes of others only a reflection of themselves.”

I didn't write this. I found it on the Internet.

This isn't all I'm going to post but this fit the moment.

But below i did write:

You Guys may think of me as a hard hearted person but deep down i do have feelings and i need people i just try to hide that I'm Scared/ angry by trying to cheer everyone else up around me even though i cant cheer myself.

I may come across mean or blunt or even harsh but i truly don't mean to be but that's just how i am. I NEED PEOPLE. Being lonely isn't all that its cracked up to be and I'm finally finding that out now.

I have been hurt in the past by many boys and many girls but not in the same way. That's why i may seem distant to some people. I have trust issues but once i trust someone there's no problem until that person proves to me that i can trust them anymore and that has happened so many times so now its even harder for me to trust anymore.

I am sorry to anyone that i have hurt in the past and even in the up coming future i mean nothing by it. Being alone SUCKS!

Thank you to all my friends that put up with me! I love you all and i wouldn't trade you for anything.