Saturday, January 15, 2011

May Not Know

I don’t know how many of you know this but about 6 to 7 months ago my life was turned upside down and shaken and it has stayed that way ever since. Just letting you know if my dad moves to AZ well I will be moving as well. Just pray for me because I have some major decisions to sort through and that is why I have been so grumpy/ stand offish/ unwilling to talk. Its not you guys its just what im going through right now I just wish the world would stop spinning 100miles per minute to let me off I just want the old days back when your biggest decisions was to go outside and play or stay inside and watch tv. I just need prayer and people to encourage me because im scared. This the first time I have admitted that.


  1. WHAT!!!!!

    Hold. the. phone. You can't find somewhere here to stay? You have a JOB for crying out loud!!! You can't move!

  2. I know this Ariel like i said i have major decisons!

  3. I don't want you to move Jenna! You casn start saving and find an apartment here. How soon do you have to decide? Hopefully it'll be awhile. Keep seeking God Jenna. He has a plan. I will pray for you.
